Thursday, December 1, 2011

Story and Play Time

By:  Tyler Myers, United Way Staff Intern

I recently volunteered through Reach Up Inc. to read to a classroom of children at the Eastside Boys and Girls’ Club.  As soon as I entered the room one of the children got up, walked over to me, and gave me a big hug.  Although I was quite surprised by the hug (which allowed for a teaching moment on personal boundaries) and felt bad that he had to be reminded to stay on his shape, it was a wonderful welcome to their classroom that made me feel much appreciated by the kids.  Each of the kids in the class has their own shape (heart, boat, star, etc.) to mark where they are to sit on the rug when they meet there.

Before I went there I thought about whether to pause after each page to talk about the pictures and the story, or to just read it straight through.  I decided I would play it by ear and see how the kids were responding to the story.  After the first couple pages of the story it was clear I should read right through because every set of eyes was locked on to the book, and every mouth was closed as they followed the story.

After I was done reading, I was asked to stay for their play time and gladly said I would.  At each play station, the kids were so excited to show me what they were playing with or what they had put together.  It was awesome to see how proud the kids were of their work.
I left the classroom smiling, feeling rejuvenated and uplifted by all of the children’s positive energy.  This is something I would definitely do again and recommend this volunteer opportunity to anyone who enjoys being around young children.  

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