Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Not Sure What To Do Next

Age 16, pregnant, sleeping on a friend’s couch, no permanent place to live and feeling very alone.
New Beginnings is a program that helps women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy have a safe place to live and support/education throughout the pregnancy, birth and first months of their child’s life.  Staff and trained volunteers teach life and parenting skills, help women connect with needed community resources, find and keep employment and/or school.  They make sure they are connected with a health care provider.
This is in the heart of St. Cloud near Caribou and Dairy Queen.  We go about our daily business and have no idea these little miracles are happening right next door. 
United Way supports this service because of the solid start these infants are getting – a much better chance for long term health and success in life for both mom and child.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Volunteering at Work!

Oxymoron?  In some people’s minds, but this can and does happen.  How?
Lunch time volunteering.
TriCAP and Pine Cone Vision employees created Cards of EnCOURAGEment over their lunch times.  These cards are sent to service members overseas.
Avon Lumber One employees created fleece blankets that were donated to Catholic Charities Emergency Services.  They have already found good homes and are keeping children and adults warm when the heat is turned down to save money for groceries and other basic necessities.
We all need to pitch in.  That’s what these volunteers did.  They found a way to be involved that included positive time with their co-workers.
Think about how you can go the extra mile.  Check out United Way Volunteer Central – searchable database of local volunteer opportunities online at or call Mary Krippner, United Way’s Community Volunteer Coordinator at: (320) 223-7991.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What if this were you?

Single mom, just moved to St. Cloud with two young children.  Newly divorced – finding a new life.  Working and have a small apartment – just making bills meet.
Gall bladder attack!  Lots of pain.  Noone to care for my children. Need to go to emergency room.  Doctor says I need surgery.
What do I do? Who will care for my children?
We are fortunate there is a local answer.  St. Cloud Area Crisis Nursery, a service of Lutheran Social Service supported by United Way.
Crisis Nursery’s top priority is the children – their safety and care.  They can provide temporary overnight care, if needed, through licensed providers.
They help in even tougher situations when a parent is at their wits end, concerned they may even harm or neglect their child.   Temporary child care in this situation allows the parent time to see the help them need to get stabilized.
Conni Orth and trained volunteers make this service available in our area 24/7.  If you ever wonder if volunteers make a difference, this United Way supported service is proof!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Best Kept Secret!

Music, art, laughter, discussions, exercise, walking path, meals, reading the paper, having a cup of coffee, playing pool . . . You are thinking . . . What is she talking about?
Ever go there?  1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud
When you get older, there is a bit of wisdom to be gained if you are open to it.  Maybe there are new things you want to learn like Spanish or how to make a wooden bowl.  Maybe you just want to get out of the four walls at home and be with other people.  Connect up and feel a part of something.   As you get older the losses can pile up (health, employment, people with love) so we need to keep looking for ways to stay full.  Involvement at Whitney is one of those wise actions a person can take.
United Way of Central Minnesota supports the Third Age University of Whitney because it lessens isolation and increases valuable social connections for the portion of our population that is growing the fastest. 
You will feel the energy as soon as you walk in the door!